XStage Stage Platform - 4ft x 4ft
Model: XS1022
About: XStage Stage Platform - 4ft x 4ft
4' x 4' Stage deck works with either X-Frame system or single legs
Custom sizes and shapes are available - please call for details
Made in Canada
Rugged Aluminum Frame
Built with 19mm / 3/4" Water-Resistant Plywood
Slip-Proof Surface
Velcro edge for skirt attachment
Various height legs sold separately
Reviews: XStage Stage Platform - 4ft x 4ft
Warranty: XStage Stage Platform - 4ft x 4ft
AVShop.ca Warranty:
30 Days
Manufacturer's Warranty:
1 Year Warranty
Manufacturer's Warranty will cover parts, labour and return shipping back to you once repaired. Shipping into the service centre is not covered