XStage 3ft - 5ft Modular XFrame Leg Sytem
Model: XS1004
About: XStage 3ft - 5ft Modular XFrame Leg Sytem
XFrame modular leg system, please call us for assistance designing a system which uses these.
- Height: Variable 3' - 5'
- Legs: Adjustable height for uneven surfaces
- Deck support: 4' x 8'
Reviews: XStage 3ft - 5ft Modular XFrame Leg Sytem
Warranty: XStage 3ft - 5ft Modular XFrame Leg Sytem
AVShop.ca Warranty:
30 Days
Manufacturer's Warranty:
1 Year Warranty
Manufacturer's Warranty will cover parts, labour and return shipping back to you once repaired. Shipping into the service centre is not covered