Model: ETH-GPI-Link-V1
Setting up an I/O device have never been this flexible. Connect and control anything from your tally lamps, trigger ATEM switcher routines, control a HyperDeck, change Scopes on a SmartScope Duo and route inputs/outputs on a VideoHub. Defining parameters – single or multiple - for inputs/outputs is extremely fast, thanks to the drop-down menu structure in UniSketch OS. Connect and control up to 8 devices at the same time!
The general-purpose I/O controllers offer 8/16 inputs and 8/16 outputs, all electrically separated with quality relays and optocouplers. GPO is implemented with relays shorting to GND. GPI implemented with optical isolators shorted to GND.
Please notice: SKAARHOJ Controllers with GPI inputs accept open collector and relay outputs (pulled to GND). The default HD15 tally connector on the TriCaster TC1 does not provide a direct working signal to the ETH-GPI Link. Converting the 5V potential to GND is needed.
- 1 x DB25 Connector Configuration
- 8 GPO
- 8 GPI
- Ethernet with PoE (IEEE802.3af)
- NewTek TriCaster + Blackmagic ATEM
- Video switching done on TriCaster
- ATEM Switcher utilized to control cameras (Studio Camera, URSA Mini and URSA Broadcast)
- ATEM Tally needs to follow TriCaster.
- The ETH-GPI Link can help to resolve this, but first please check if the SDI-GPI Link is more suitable for you.
- ATEM Tally follow TriCaster Tally - GPI
- In this setup the ETH-GPI Link will connect to the ATEM Switcher and set Preview/Program accordingly to the signals it receives on the GPI In.
- Use the default config "ATEM Connectivity".
- ATEM Tally follow TriCaster Tally - IP
- In this setup the ETH-GPI Link will connect to the ATEM Switcher + the TriCaster and via Virtual Hardware Components on the ETH-GPI Link translate Program/Preview states to the ATEM so the two switchers are in sync.
- Use the default config "ATEM Tally follow TriCaster Tally"
- Joystick Override RCP touchdown via hold groups
- By using the "Hold Group" feature found in Device Cores such as Blackmagic ATEM + VideoHub and AJA KUMO Routers, RCP Touchdown function can be used. The Hold Groups feature will fall back to a previous source for a group of triggers using a queue system and finally to the first previous value before any trigger in the group was activated.
- Routing Control for Panasonic AW-RP50 & AW-RP120 via GPI
- If you would like to get routing control from the Panasonic AW-RP50 or the AW-RP120 Remote Camera Controller the ETH-GPI Link is the perfect match.
- The AW-RP50 and AW-RP120 outputs Tally in a binary format but the ETH-GPI Link can accommodate this with the "In1-4 Binary" GPI In option from the UniSketch OS System.
- Please have a look at the section "Triggering Actions from Binary Inputs" in the Installation and Operation Manual to learn more about this feature.
- Routing Control for Panasonic AW-RP120 & AW-RP150 via IP
- We have a Device Core for the AW-RP120/AW-RP150 which can perform routing control without the need of a GPI cable. Check out the manual for the Device Core and the default config: Panasonic AW-RP1xx on the ETH-GPI Link.
- There are different ways to configure the GPI and GPO.
UPC: 5714074001508