ADJ 24V 2.5A Replacement Power Supply for UV COB Cannon
Model: Z-060300
About: ADJ 24V 2.5A Replacement Power Supply for UV COB Cannon
Replacement Power Supply for UV COB Cannon
- 24V, 2.5A
Reviews: ADJ 24V 2.5A Replacement Power Supply for UV COB Cannon
Warranty: ADJ 24V 2.5A Replacement Power Supply for UV COB Cannon Warranty:
30 Days
Manufacturer's Warranty:
- Non-LED Lighting Products: 1-year limited
- Laser (excluding laser diodes): 1-year limited
- Laser Diodes: 6 month limited
- LED Products: 2-year limited (Canada only)
- Batteries: 180 days limited
- StarTec Series: 1-year limited
- DMX Controllers: 2-year limited
Manufacturer's Warranty will cover parts, labour and return shipping back to you once repaired. Shipping into the service centre is not covered