Canare BCP-LD25HD 12G-SDI Right Angle Connector
Model: BCP-LD25HD
About: Canare BCP-LD25HD 12G-SDI Right Angle Connector
- Specifically engineered for L-2.5CHD
- Canare crimp design ensures quick and reliable installation.
- Gold plated "snap-lock" center pin and beryllium copper inner spring.
- Right angle configuration allows for space-saving installations in tight spaces and complex setups.
- Position mark on the body makes it easier to check if the connector is locked.
- Crimp Die: TCD-35CA
Reviews: Canare BCP-LD25HD 12G-SDI Right Angle Connector
Warranty: Canare BCP-LD25HD 12G-SDI Right Angle Connector Warranty:
30 Days
Manufacturer's Warranty:
1-year limited
Manufacturer's Warranty will cover parts, labour and return shipping back to you once repaired. Shipping into the service centre is not covered