Pioneer DJ DWR1599 Power Supply for DDJ-1000 / XDJ-RR
Model: DWR1599
About: Pioneer DJ DWR1599 Power Supply for DDJ-1000 / XDJ-RR
Replacement AC Power Supply for DDJ-1000, Toraiz SP-16
Power brick only; Requires PW-115-06 Power Plug
Reviews: Pioneer DJ DWR1599 Power Supply for DDJ-1000 / XDJ-RR
Warranty: Pioneer DJ DWR1599 Power Supply for DDJ-1000 / XDJ-RR Warranty:
30 Days
Manufacturer's Warranty:
DJ Products: 1-year warranty
XPRS Series (Parts & Labour): 7-year warranty
Manufacturer's Warranty will cover parts, labour and return shipping back to you once repaired. Shipping into the service centre is not covered